Moritz Meyer-ter-Vehn
Department of Economics UCLA
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1477
Curriculum Vitae (long) (short)
Working Papers:
Recruiting Talent, with S. Board and T. Sadzik – R&R at Review of Economic Studies
Simple Contagion Dynamics in Tree-like Networks, with S. Board
Breaking Bad News, with S. Board
Publications in Refereed Journals:
Experimentation in Networks, with S. Board –
Economic Review 114(9),
2940-2980 (September 2024)
Discrimination in
Hiring: Evidence from Retail Sales, with A. Benson and S. Board – Review of Economic
Studies 91(4)
A Reputational
Theory of Firm Dynamics, with S.
Board –
American Economic Journal - Micro 14, 44-80 (May 2022)
Learning Dynamics in
Social Networks, with S. Board – Econometrica, 2601-2635
(November 2021) (Online Appendix)
A Conversational War
of Attrition, with K. Bognar and
L. Smith – Review of Economic Studies,
1897-1935 (July 2018) (Online Appendix), (2013 WP)
An Optimal Voting
Procedure when Voting is Costly ,
with K. Bognar and T. Börgers – Journal of Economic Theory 159, 1056-1073 (September 2015)
Relational Contracts
in Competitive Labor Markets, with
S. Board, Review of Economic Studies
82, 490-534 (April 2015)
for Quality, with S. Board, Econometrica 81, 2381-2462 (November
Locally Robust Implementation and its Limits, with P. Jehiel and B. Moldovanu, Journal of Economic Theory 147, 2439-2452 (November 2012)
The Robustness of Robust
Implementation with S. Morris, Journal of Economic Theory 146, 2093–2104 (September 2011)
Ex-Post Implementation and
Preference Aggregation via Potentials, with P. Jehiel and B. Moldovanu, Economic
Theory 37, 469-490 (December 2008)
Posterior Implementation vs.
Ex-Post Implementation, with P.
Jehiel, B. Moldovanu and W. Zame, Economics Letters 97, 70-73 (October 2007)
Mixed Bundling Auctions, with P. Jehiel and B. Moldovanu, Journal of Economic Theory 134, 494-512
(May 2007)
The Limits of Ex-Post
Implementation, with P. Jehiel,
B. Moldovanu and W. Zame, Econometrica
74, 585-611, (May 2006)
Regular Teaching:
Generic Syllabus ECON 19 - Games of Strategy
Syllabus ECON 106G Game Theory
Syllabus ECON 106I Organizational Economics
Syllabus ECON 201B Graduate Game Theory
Syllabus ECON 211B Information Economics